Toxic's Abandon shack | Games



Because I use Flash, it would be inevitable that I would make games with it. Not a lot to touch upon, few finished games and I for some reason like to take my sweet time doing them.

Decapitaticide (2024)

A game that I released that is not a Riddle School clone, it was made for the Flash Forward Jam on Newgrounds,and it was based off of the old Assasin games. This one is my most favorite, plain and simple, it's apperantly hard as balls to some people also.

Play on Newgrounds

Mark's School Escape 2 (2024)

The sequel to the first game, this time it's longer and better. It's fine, I like the game, and the puzzles were fun to do and such, it also took me 3 years to make, and I still loose sleep because of it.

Play on Newgrounds


Play on GameJolt

Mark's School Escape (2020)

A point and click Riddle School Clone I made, which was kind of like a reboot to the 2017 version of MSE. Nowadays I'm not much of a fan of this game anymore, it's a rushed, poorly put together game, with not too many redeeming qualities.

Play on Newgrounds


Play on GameJolt